
Adina Feinstein

Astronomer, NASA Sagan Fellow, Craft Enthusiast, Cat Mom


About Me

Postdoctoral Fellow in Astronomy

Hi there! My name is Adina Feinstein. I am a NASA Sagan NHFP Fellow in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University.

I consider myself to be a fairly broad observer. I've used observations from the far-Ultraviolet to the Infrared to understand stellar activity from young stars and planetary atmospheric compositions. I've used a slew of ground-based telescopes and space-based observatories to answer my scientific questions of interest.

I received my bachelor's degree from Tufts University in Boston. My undergraduate thesis focused on identifying and characterizing lensed galaxies in the Hubble Frontier Fields images. I am originally from New York, which means no matter how long I've lived in Chicago, I'll never believe deep dish pizza is pizza.

Address: Boulder, Colorado, USA
Email: adina [at] msu [dot] edu
GitHub: afeinstein20
Speaker Deck Presentation Slides: afeinstein20
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Education & Experience

My Education

Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics

University of Chicago | 2019 - 2023

Thesis title: A Multi-Wavelength Investigation of Young Stellar and Planetary Systems

Masters in Physical Sciences

University of Chicago | 2018 - 2019

Thesis title: eleanor: An Open-source Tool for Extracting Light Curves from the TESS Full-frame Images

Bachlor of Science in Astrophysics

Tufts University | 2014 - 2018

Senior thesis title: Exploring the Low and High Mass Extremes in the Distant Universe

My Expericence

Assistant Professor

Michigan State University Department of Physics & Astronomy | 2025 -

NASA NHFP Sagan Fellow

Michigan State University | 2024 - 2025

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder (2023 - 2024)
Proposal title: The Evolution of Young Exoplanet Atmospheres in the Presence of Extreme Stellar Activity

NSF Graduate Research Fellow

University of Chicago | 2019 - 2023

Proposal title: Studying Planetary System Architecture using Radial Velocity Methods

Undergraduate Research Assistant

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Summer 2017

Proposal title: Characterization of Young M Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood


First-Author Papers

Flare Activity Evolution

Evaluating five years of TESS obserevations of GKM stars with ages < 300 Myr.

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Young Planets in the FUV

A search for atmospheric escape from AU Mic b and V1298 Tau c with HST/COS.

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WASP-39b with JWST

Characterizing the atmosphere of WASP-39b, a hot-Saturn exoplanet, with JWST NIRISS/SOSS.

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AU Mic in the FUV

Detecting and characterizing far-Ultraviolet (FUV) flares from the 23 Myr M dwarf AU Mic, and implications for the planets in the system.

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V1298 Tau with TESS

Refitting the planet and orbit parameters for V1298 Tau bcd as observed by TESS, and constraining the period of V1298 Tau e.

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Self-Organized Criticality

Using magnetic reconnection events across 200,000 stars to understand coronal topologies and how they compare to the Sun.

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V1298 Tau c with Gemini

Characterizing the atmosphere of the 30-40 Myr V1298 Tau c via transmission spectroscopy with Gemini-N/GRACES.

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Young Flare Statistics

Detecting flares and understanding flare rates across 3200 young stars observed with TESS with a novel convolutional neural network.

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TESS FFI Light Curves

Developing an open-source Python package to use aperture photometry to extract light curves from the TESS Full-Frame Images.

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The Planet K2-288 Bb

Discovering and confirming a new Neptune-sized planet in a binary star system. Done in collaboration with citizen scientists.

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